3 Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said,
“So I declared on oath in my anger,
‘They shall never enter my rest.’”
And yet his works have been finished since the creation of the world.
Rest can be a lot of work; in other words, it’s not that easy. God had said to the people of Israel that if they would keep the covenant they had made with him, obey his commands and subdue the land then they would be able to “rest” in the blessings that God would stand by. God’s “rest” is realized when we believe that when we do our part He will be faithful to his bit. It’s something like compound interest, once the investment has been made, and we keep it there, the increase comes exponentially (Ps. Dale).
Thoughts for the day
- What does this passage tell us about God, Jesus and people?
- What do you feel God is telling you through this passage?
- What is one way you can apply this truth to your life today?
- Who can you encourage with this story/message?
Pray for somewhere in the world that needs God’s attention. Flick to a news app or website, and pick a news story to pray for.