20 March 2021 – The Scent of Opulence (MATTHEW 26:6–13; MARK 13:3–13; JOHN 12:1–8)

20 March 2021 – The Scent of Opulence (MATTHEW 26:6–13; MARK 13:3–13; JOHN 12:1–8)


MATTHEW 26:6–13; MARK 13:3–13; JOHN 12:1–8


For the duration of Lent, SCF will be following the devotionals written by Russ Ramsey in his work entitled ‘Behold the King of Glory.’

If you would like to follow the readings for the next 40 days please email [email protected] or visit our website at https://shanghaifellowship.org/beholdkingdevo/ to download the pdf.

By |2021-03-12T11:06:22+08:00March 20th, 2021|Categories: Week 3|Comments Off on 20 March 2021 – The Scent of Opulence (MATTHEW 26:6–13; MARK 13:3–13; JOHN 12:1–8)

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Con Loggenberg is a native South African and the Discipleship Director at Shanghai Community Fellowship (SCF). He holds a B.Sc. degree and a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Quantity Surveying, a B.Th. (Hons) degree in Theology and an M.Th. degree in Theology. He and his Texan wife, twin boys and daughter live in Shanghai, China.