Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
We end this week’s devotional with a parallel account of the same event, this time recounted by Mark. The calling of Peter and Andrew was significant in that they were the first apostles whom Jesus called, reaching out to the common folk who were just going about their daily business. As I was writing the devotionals this week, I focused more on my own thought process in response to the teachings that challenged me to “follow”. By now, whether or not you have been persuaded, encouraged, or have made up your mind about becoming a disciple of Christ, or to disciple others, let’s focus on Jesus’ words: “I will.”
As Ps Dale said in the on-line message last Sunday, discipleship is about living a Christ-centered life and entering into a relationship with Jesus. We would have to want this relationship, telling Jesus, “I will.” Once we make this decision, we can rest in the promise that He will enable us and equip us. A natural progression, or sign of maturity then is that we want to be obedient to God’s will, which includes discipling others. May it always be our will to do God’s will.
Thoughts for the day
- What is God saying to you in this passage?
- Do you feel like you are living in God’s will?
Invite the Holy Spirit to be present with you in this moment. And then, wait. Allow God’s peace to draw near.