34 Opening his mouth, Peter said:
“Most certainly I understand now that God is not one to show partiality [to people as though Gentiles were excluded from God’s blessing], 35 but in every nation the person who fears God and does what is right [by seeking Him] is acceptable and welcomed by Him.
There is a whole big story behind these words of conclusion spoken by Peter. In a dream/vision for both men Peter is led to Cornelius’ house. Cornelius is not Jewish and in this story he represents the nations of the world. Up until this point the only people who had received Jesus were Jews; all this changed in an instant when Cornelius and his household believed on the Lord Jesus and received the Holy Spirit. Peter, to his credit, recognized it immediately and pronounced: God doesn’t play favorites; if your heart is right and you come to him, He will receive you – no matter what your passport says! Until the whole world knows . . . (Ps. Dale).
Thoughts for the day
- What does this passage tell us about God and people?
- What do you feel God is telling you through this passage?
- What is one way you can apply this truth to your life today?
- Who can you encourage with this story/message?
Pray for all of the Shanghai Christian Council Churches and Pastors.