This is the list of current groups that are open to newcomers. Please email them directly for detailed information of their meeting. If for some reason you don’t hear back from them, please email Su Tsai at c[email protected] for follow up.

SCF Community Groups 2024-2025

 SCF Community Groups 2024-2025 Contact
1 Lighthouse Xintiandi Mixed Tue 8pm [email protected]
2 Vineyard Xuhui GaoAn rd & Huaihai rd Mixed (20's-60's) Wed 7:30pm [email protected]
3 Rhema Reign Pudong- Fangdian rd Station Mixed Wed 7-9pm [email protected]
4 The Dwelling Place Baoshan Area Mixed Thurs 6:30pm [email protected]
5 Victory Together Pudong-Lujiazui Mixed (20's-40's) Fri 7:30pm [email protected]
6 The Potter Zhoupu Station Mixed Fri 7:30pm [email protected]
7 Faith CG Pudong- Jinqiao line 6/Yunshan Line 14 Mixed Fri 7pm [email protected]
8 Songjiang CG Songjiang Area Mixed Fri 6:30pm-8pm or Sat morn. [email protected]
9 Blessed Oasis Huangpu Area Mixed Sat 4:30pm [email protected]
10 Minhang CG Xinzhuang/Wujing Areas Mixed (work/students) Sat 6pm [email protected]
11 DBS CG Longhua rd Station/Long Cao rd Station Mixed Sun 10:30am-12:30pm [email protected]
12 Manna Max Hengshan rd Station Mixed (20's-30's) Sun 4:15pm [email protected]
根据中华人民共和国政策法规,SCF英文聚会只限持外国护照人士开放(包括:台湾,香港,澳门居民, 及拥有国外居留权的 中国公民)。衡山国际礼拜堂每周日在7:30点,10点,及晚上7点亦有中文礼拜,无国籍限制。
Shanghai Community Fellowship conducts worship services in English every Sunday at Hengshan Church. In observance of Chinese government regulations, Shanghai Community Fellowship's English services and related activities are open to foreign passport holders or foreign residence permit holders only. Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan nationals are welcome to attend.