21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God.”
This verse summarizes the Gospel. Sin separated us from God and the law showed us that we cannot earn our salvation, so God sent His only begotten son to live a perfect life and, ultimately, to die on a cross as a sacrifice for all of our sins. As we accept God’s free gift of salvation, we are cloaked in the righteousness of Christ so that we too may be seen as holy in the eyes of God.
Through Jesus, we are seen as righteous in the eyes of God.
But that righteousness is not merely a cloak. God also sent His spirit to live and work through us, and as we submit to God’s Spirit in our lives, we are empowered to be righteous. God’s gift of salvation was once and for all, but it is also a continuous act of cleansing our hearts as we journey with Him.
Through the Holy Spirit, we can become righteous (Charlie).
Thoughts for the day
- What do you feel God is telling you through this passage?
- How can you apply this message in an area of your life that needs transformation?
- Is there anyone you think should hear or will benefit from this message? Go and tell them.
PRAY FOR INDIVIDUALS AND COMMUNITIES We’re called to pray for others in our world facing challenges and difficult situations: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people…” – 1 Timothy 2:1