15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
16 Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”
In this passage, Jesus is giving Peter the opportunity to receive forgiveness. Peter was one of the 12 apostles, but after Jesus was arrested, Peter denied Jesus three times in fear of being associated with him. Despite the betrayal, the resurrected Christ asked Peter three times, “Do you truly love me?” thus making up for Peter’s three denials. This was an act of forgiveness and grace by Jesus.
Jesus offers to forgive you as well. We all have sinned and fallen short of God’s calling for our lives, but through God’s mercy and grace, we too can be reconciled to Him through the love and forgiveness of Jesus.
Thoughts for the day
- What does this passage tell you about God or Jesus?
- What does this passage tell you about humanity?
- What do you feel God is telling you through this passage?
- How can you apply this message in an area of your life that needs transformation?
- Is there anyone you think should hear or will benefit from this message? Go and tell them.
Pray for these organizations who are helping people in need: Home Sweet Home, Renewal Center and Sonflowers.