19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”
“I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus must have been the first person in history to coin this phrase, likening the winning of souls to fishing when he came upon the simple fishermen and used an analogy that would be understood by them. What went through Peter and Andrew’s minds when they heard this? Catching fish was their livelihood; instead of fish, what did fishing for men mean…better income and a more impressive job title?
Whatever the reason, Peter and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed Jesus. Peter and Andrew didn’t fish for recreation, so to take up “fishing for men” still meant hard work. Fishing is a job that takes physical labor, patience, skill, and some “luck”, as weather plays an important part. If we are intentional about making disciples in the same way that we are intentional about our vocation, we can trust God for the providence, the “luck” that is required for a good catch. This is evidenced by those in our community who serve and mentor, because they make a conscious effort in giving their time, sharing their knowledge, and showing their care for others. The “fish”, ones who are hungry to grow in Christ will go seek them out. Those who are intentional in cultivating such relationships in time become trusted leaders and spiritual parents to others; they become fishers of men.
“Follow me,” this straight-forward command applies to every follower of Jesus. Fishermen catch ALL types of fish; the net is cast wide. Our community is the perfect pool! Jesus said He will make us, we just have to be willing. Are you willing?
Thoughts for the day
- Jesus had just 3 years with the disciples, the fruits of which live on to this day. Where are you in your discipleship walk?
- What’s holding you back from either seeking to be discipled, or becoming a disciple maker yourself?
Pray for God to reveal: who to reach out to, what to say, and how to minister to the person. As Jesus promised that he will “make” you, trust him to guide you in every way.