Be imitators of me, as I also am of Christ.
It’s safe to say that for most parents, they truly try their best to raise their children through love, attention, and guidance. Whatever the parenting style, the ultimate wish for their children is for them to live a more fulfilled and happier life than the parents had. I don’t think I have ever heard a parent say: “I want my child to grow up exactly like me.” As adults, parents always want their kids to be better, knowing (hopefully) their own short-comings and would not want their children to turn out the same way.
What a boastful charge then, for Paul to tell the Corinthian church, “Be imitators of me.” Even an egomaniac would not likely say this to his/her child. Where did Paul’s confidence and boldness come from? Paul founded the church in Corinth, so he was very much a spiritual father to the people there. In reading the entire 1 Corinthians letter, we learn that the young church is in contention over various issues: leadership, marriage, eating foods sacrificed to idols…etc. The one thing that Paul encouraged the people to focus on is still true for believers today: “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Cor 10:31) Then in the next verse, he tells the church to imitate him, just as he imitates Christ.
Paul was an excellent teacher and everything he did for the Kingdom was exemplary. In learning from Paul, he didn’t just win people with words. May we learn to walk the walk as Paul did, with Jesus Himself as our aspiration.
Thoughts for the day
- Being perfect, Jesus possesses all of the attributes that we should have. What are just 3 attributes that you need to imitate?
Father God, in all of our weakness You do not despise us, but want us to be more like Your Son. Search us so that we can face our weaknesses, embolden us to change, so that others may see Your glory through us and want to know You. Amen.