And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
“but we all”
Anyone who turns to the Lord receive a new revelation that came through Jesus Christ. We are no longer under the law but under grace (Romans 6:14).
Jesus is the promised Messianic King and Son of God who came to the world in human form as a servant. By his death and resurrection, Jesus atoned for our sins and secured our justification by grace, not by works. It was on the Cross that Jesus broke the dominion of sin and evil over us.
As we look around we can’t deny the signs of the End of Times – and as believers we wait expectantly for Christ’s return to complete what He began, the regeneration of this world. In the meantime, it is through God’s grace and the indwelling presence of His Spirit in us that we are being transformed into His image.
Having a heart for disciple making is to become a tool in God’s hands to help others in their journey to be more like Christ. It doesn’t come from a place of superiority, but a place of humility (“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” – Rm 3:23) and a servant heart.
Are you willing to become a tool in God’s hands? If you haven’t done yet through the course of the “Makers” Series, take some time today to pray and ask God who can you serve in this way.
Thoughts for the day
- What is God saying to you in this passage?
- How can you apply what God is saying to you today?
- Is there anyone you can share this truth with?
Invite the Holy Spirit to show you something to rejoice over. Look beyond your current circumstances to the Lord of all Creation. Remember that you are fully, unconditionally loved. Take time to rejoice in the goodness of the God who has saved you.