To say that our perspective has changed over the last 8 months would be a very large understatement. One-way perspective has changed at SCF has to do with the loss of the use of Hengshan Church. We look forward to coming together for worship as the “scattered now gathered” community of faith; not defined by the last season but by the next season. When we meet again it will be in a new place and it will be a very new season for Shanghai Community Fellowship

When we do start meeting again we will be asked to follow several guidelines and protocols. These are the kind of things that many of us in Shanghai (and other parts of the world) are familiar with. We will need to wear a mask on Sundays, practice social distancing, have our temperature checked before entering, and make a reservation to attend Sunday service, just to name a few.

In order to prepare for the day of meeting on Sundays, we are releasing a survey to collect information from our community that will help us make crucial decisions as we search for the right meeting location and plan the service that will comply with current health regulations. We encourage everyone to complete the survey and get others to do the same so that we can better serve our congregation.

The thought of being together again in worship as one community ignites our hope. It’s like coming together as a family, the family of God.

Pastor Dale