This past Sunday’s sermon (Oct 31) Pastor Dale kicked us off with the Community Group campaign series called ‘Time of Your Life’ by Andy Stanley. In his sermon Pastor Dale spoke about God’s purpose for you and me in this generation. He focused on David and made the connection between 1 Samuel 13:14 where God says David is a man after His own heart and Acts 13:36 where it states David had served God’s purpose in his own generation.
In this coming week Pastor Dale will focus on how to live wisely and how that looks like for us today as we seek to understand what God’s purpose is for you and me in our own generation.
As we reflect back on this past Sunday’s sermon, we know our days are numbered (Ps. 90:12) as it was the case with David, yet David served God’s purpose in his own generation and he served it with wisdom through honoring God.
As you continue to reflect on this past Sunday’s sermon, think about how serving God’s purpose in your generation looks like and how wisdom plays a role therein, if at all?