Though my father and mother forsake me,
the Lord will receive me.
There is very little that is more stable and loving than the home of a parent. Even those damaged with parents that left scars upon their lives and souls long for the comfort and security of a loving home. No one is exempt from the failure of a loved one. We all will be hurt in someway from the ones we love most even if it was not intentional. It is with this imagery that the psalmist reminds us of the security we can find in the Father’s open arms. Even if what we most held dear crumbles around us; what we put our assurances on fail, the Everlasting Father will be always be there to receive us. In His presence we can find peace, comfort, love and all that is needed to sustain us and propel us.
Thoughts for the day
- What does this passage tell you about God or Jesus
- What do you feel God is telling you through this passage
- How will you respond/apply God’s Word today?
- Whom will you share with today’s passage or takeaway?
Invite the Holy Spirit to be present as you spend a moment in silence; Give thanks for one thing that you’re grateful for right now, and use it to reflect on the goodness of God; Bring to God one thing that’s on your mind right now, and lift it before Him; Devote the remainder of your day to Jesus: