03 April 2019 – Psalm 32:10-11 (NIV)

03 April 2019 – Psalm 32:10-11 (NIV)


10 Many are the woes of the wicked,
    but the Lord’s unfailing love
    surrounds the one who trusts in him.

11 Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous;
    sing, all you who are upright in heart!


The world is full of good and bad, and it is hard to sometimes tell the difference between what is good (righteous) and what is bad (evil). To make things even more complicated, the question ‘what defines good or bad, or what constitutes something to be good or bad, is often viewed by people as relative. The standards for what renders something right to one person might differ from the other. The basis for the word righteousness is derived form the word ‘right’. For Christians to know what is right and wrong, we don’t have to decide for ourselves. God sets the standards. He defines what is considered right or wrong. By reading the Bible, being in fellowship with fellow believers, and through prayer, our understanding of God’s righteousness becomes clearer and we will be able to live according to God’s standards. Living a righteous life doesn’t only bring glory to God, but it gives us joy too (Woowon)

Thoughts for the day

  • Who or what determines your standards for right or wrong?
  • What does this passage tell you about humanity?
  • What do you feel God is telling you through this passage?
  • How can you apply this message in an area of your life that needs transformation?
  • Is there anyone you think should hear or will benefit from this message? Go and tell them.


Look around you right now at the people who are sitting near you or standing and pray for them.

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By |2019-04-01T12:31:19+08:00April 3rd, 2019|Categories: Week 1|Comments Off on 03 April 2019 – Psalm 32:10-11 (NIV)

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Con Loggenberg is a native South African and the Discipleship Director at Shanghai Community Fellowship (SCF). He holds a B.Sc. degree and a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Quantity Surveying, a B.Th. (Hons) degree in Theology and an M.Th. degree in Theology. He and his Texan wife, twin boys and daughter live in Shanghai, China.